Pruning Drift® Roses

To maintain a size of about 1½-2’ h, Drift® Roses should be cut back once a year to about 6-8” high. Check your rose bush from time to time in late winter/early spring, and when you start to see new shoots growing from the canes on your rose bush, that’s a good sign that it’s time to prune.

Follow these simple steps to cut back your Drift® Roses:

Step 1: Gather your tools

You will need a few basic tools when the time comes to cut back your roses: gloves, hedge shears and/or hand pruners.


Step 2: Decide where to cut

Determining where to cut depends on what size you want your rose bush to finish. Your Drift® Rose will usually triple in size by the end of the season after cutting it back. 


Step 3: Trim your rose

Using hedge shears or hand pruners, trim your Drift® Rose to the desired height. Be sure to also remove any smaller or damaged canes throughout to promote better growth and air flow between branches.

Step 4: Discard the debris

Once you have finished, be sure to gather and discard the debris. 

Carly Marshiano